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My Vagina Monologue

It's February, ya'll, and that means it's time for The Vagina Monologues! I got to participate in our local university's production of it...

Sex and the Virginity Myth

Kids, gather around, and let's hear the tale of Sex and the Virginity Myth. It's a great one, one that begins with intangible social...

Having great sex means ditching diet culture

Happy New Year, loves! I hope everyone celebrated safely! And whether 2018 was the best or worst year of your life, whether you bid...

Ideas for Self Care

In today's new agey, #selfcompassion, social media perfection, culturally appropriate all the spiritual practices day and age, the term...

Review: Vanity by Jopen -- Vs4.5

It's been a heck of a time on social media and in the news lately. Everywhere you turn, triggering news and images just make a person...

Why people don't report sexual assault

CW: This post discusses sexual assault and the current climate within our rape culture, as well as depicts personal accounts of childhood...

To be socialized woman is to be socialized disembodied

This week, I wanted to get a little personal, and in so doing, highlight a real issue that shows up as a symptom of the systemic misogyny...

Why you don't have to "love yourself first"

How many of you have heard this bit of so called wisdom: "You'll never find love or be able to be loved or give love until you learn to...

What does it mean to be sex positive?

Sex positivity. It's a phrase that seems to be thrown all over the internet and social media when talking about everything from regular...

Review: Key by Jopen -- Pyxis finger massager

Would you believe that before I started my sex toy party business over five years ago I had never used a vibrator or any sort of toy? I...

Tarot Talk: Healing from Trauma with Temperance

CW: TRAUMA (sexual and otherwise) Hello, lovelies! Now, for some of you that managed to read through some of the site description and/or...

The Etiquette of Unicorn Hunting

In the earlier days of my sex toy party business, I once had a couple client that had emailed me to ask about adding a third to their...

Buttstuff 101 (or A Beginner's Guide to Anal Play)

Happy Anal August, beauties! In honor of the month, I'm coming to you with some booty loving tips so you can celebrate accordingly, and...

Menstrual what??

So by now, if you're a person with a vagina that bleeds, you've probably heard about the newest fashion trend in menstrual products: the...

Copyright © 2019 Andrea Brown Riley

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