As you make your way through, you may find yourself wondering, "Why is your site called Sex in the Sun? What does that mean?"
What it means is this: we have spent far too long as a culture keeping sex and relationships in the dark, pushing down our concerns, our needs, our desires, our questions. There are still so many places that sex is not allowed to be talked about, even in the most progressive and allegedly sex positive circles, and I do not want the space I take up to be one of them.
Sex is a normal facet of our human identities. It has the power to bring so much joy and pleasure. It is an ever changing idea that doesn't fit into a neat little box or present itself as one size fits all. Sex is dynamic, it is powerful, it is political. It can be magical and healing, it can be cathartic. It can be fraught with delicious curiosity, awkward laughter, and moments of epiphany. It involves bodies and minds and spirits. It is (or should be) accessible by all types of bodies, all types of genders, all types of interests. It is not only for thin- and able-bodied, cis, white, heterosexual married people. It is for people in fat bodies, people in disabled bodies, people who identify all over the gender spectrum, people of color, people who are asexual to allosexual, people in relationship with one, two, three, four, or more, and people in relationship with themselves.
Sex in the Sun also pulls in from my own brand of personal spirituality, which is as intentional as it is unavoidable; after all, sex is as much a part of our spiritual health, and can be as much of a spiritual experience as any other activity that nourishes us. The Sun in Tarot is light, truth, joy, warmth, passion, and heat. It is the life force which causes all manner of things to thrive and grow. It is clarity of vision and thought and desire. It is the spark that has grown into a raging fire of creativity that cannot and will not be stopped.
It's time we bring sex into this Light; it's time we start having sex in the sun.